Full-Service Cattle Sales & Marketing. Serving Nevada and surrounding states.

Feeder sale Friday February 21st: 2,360 head from 76 consignors.
The market was pretty strong across the board. We had some really nice cattle in all weight classes, so it was a pretty good test.
It’s a very interesting time to be an American.
The major shake-up in Washington has been captivating. So many of us have been affected by the overburdensome government regulations and bureaucrats. Job creation in America should be focused on building something, producing something, making our country stronger and more independent, making someone’s life better and better doesn’t mean easier. For many Americans life has become too easy, we need to get back to work as a Nation. Kids need to learn how to work again. For too many years now, job creation has been inventing new government positions and filling them with college educated idiots. As a result, those of us in the private sector have been overtaxed, over regulated, and just flat out harassed by these bureaucrats. So much so, that many of us have thrown in the towel. This country as a nation is headed to a hungry place, it’s unfortunate that many Americans are going to need to get hungry before they wake up.
I am Pro-America; I am not going to apologize for thinking we should put America First over our neighbors. Ranchers don’t get up in the morning and go feed the neighbors cows and break their neighbor’s ice, they take care of their own first. We need to start doing the same as a country. I’m so sick of the pandering, guilt ridden, ass kissing of Mexico and Canada.
American ranchers and farmers are going out of business at an alarming rate, and nobody wants to address the elephant in the room, which is the cheap imported, lower quality beef. LMA wants to focus on “Producer Profitability” but won’t let you whisper the word MCOOL or talk about imports. Meanwhile, they are having auctioneering competitions at the Mexican border, selling Mexican cattle, for a guy who is on podcasts lecturing America on why we need to support Mexico over America. Am I crazy for thinking there’s something really wrong with that thought process?
NCBA. We don’t really know what they stand for other than they are against MCOOL, they think global warming and being “carbon neutral” are top priorities. But first you have to believe that there even IS global warming, before you can buy that lie. We can’t count on NCBA to do anything that will help American ranchers. They are going to continue taking your checkoff dollars and using them against you, by lobbying against MCOOL and anything else that might take a dollar out of the packer’s pocket and put it back in an American rancher’s pocket. Something needs to be done about the direction we are heading, you don’t have to be too bright to see where we are going. Just look where the sheep industry is, that was caused by cheap imports and overburdensome government regulations. Let’s not keep our heads in the sand while it happens to the cattle industry.
In closing, I notice how much we at United States Cattlemen’s Association and even more so at RCALF scream and yell about imports and MCOOL but we haven’t been able to get the consumers riled up. That’s who should really be pissed off about the “24 hour rule”. Every chance I get, I ask folks I talk to if they know imported beef only has to be on US soil for 24 hours before it can be labeled “Product of the US”. NOBODY knows that! How as an industry do we continue to think it’s OK to lie to our consumers for the financial gain of China and Brazil? I can’t even begin to comprehend that thought process.
Anyway, enough about that, hopefully DOGE gets to the bottom of corruption in USDA, Forest Service, USF&W and BLM. Hopefully We can get something done BEFORE fire season gets here, hopefully Trump recognizes what’s happening with all of the Wolf bullshit. The only thing that makes my blood boil more than “buy the lie” on imported beef, is watching wolves drag down and kill both wildlife and livestock. The wolf deal is all part of “The Big Plan” as I call it. To wipe out the ranchers, wipe out all the big game, control the food and control the people. The sooner we recognize this, the sooner we start to understand the big picture.
Next Feeder Sale March 21st, should be a good run of all classes. Expecting 5000 plus. Please don’t be afraid to share your thoughts on the state of the American cattle industry either in the comments on this post, text me or call at 775 217 9273. Thanks everyone, don’t give up the fight for what’s right and don’t let them make you feel guilty for being America First!
We have been very fortunate not to get hit with these massive storms I see going north of us. Our pens are dry and the alleys are a little dusty. Please call me if you have any questions 775 217 9273. Hope to see you at the sale!
Next Feeder Sale Friday, March 19, 2025 Starting at 9:00 A.M.
If you have cattle you want to consign please send videos/pictures and information to 661-305-2699. We will get them advertised for you on Facebook.
If you have any questions about vaccines and timing of vaccines, please don’t hesitate to call me.
Thanks to our awesome crew, sellers and buyers! Hope to see you in Fallon soon!!

Our sales can be seen live at www.DVauction.com
Jack Payne, Owner and Operator of Nevada Livestock Marketing, LLC in Fallon, NV also serves as the Regional Director for California and Nevada at the U.S. Cattlemen’s Association. |