Full-Service Cattle Sales & Marketing. Serving Nevada and surrounding states.
Next Feeder Sale Friday, Januay 17 and Saturday January 18, 2025. Starting at 9:00 A.M.
Feeder Sale, December 20th, 4150 head from 150 consignors. Thats an average of 27 head per seller. We love achieving these big prices for the smaller producers.
I get so many calls and texts asking about the market and where it’s headed. It’s hard to separate out what I think “should happen” and what will probably happen. First let’s talk about what should happen followed by what probably will happen. The new administration should shut down all imports from these foreign countries. It’s not America’s responsibility to bail out every country that produces more beef than it consumes. It’s very simple, American ranch lands are turning into subdivisions, hunting preserves, solar farms and decadent dead grass lands begging for catastrophic fires while we export our food production to countries that hate us. It’s a food security issue which is a national security issue. Forget what NCBA’s boots-n-suits try to tell you about imports and exports, we can grow it locally, finish it locally and consume it locally, period. They don’t have rural America or the consumers best interest in mind, they have their own profits and those of the big four. Next get rid of this stupid USDA 30 month rule on no roll/hard bone cattle. The packing industry is using it to steal billions from the American cattle industry. It’s been proven older fat cattle (over 30 months) are much higher in nutritional value than these “calf fats” we are forced to eat now. All this bullshit was shoved on us in the name of “saving our export market to Asian countries”. If you have a fat choice steer they deem to be over 30 months of age the packer gives you less in the meat rail price than a 10 year old cow. Basically stealing the best, most nutritious beef we produce. Do you think they sell that beef to the retailers at less than old cow price? Hell no, they don’t. And have you heard your cattlemen’s organizations bring this topic up for discussion? Nope, they just plod along focusing on crap like carbon credits and global warming and playing right into Gore and Gate’s hands. USDA needs a house cleaning like never before. I’m hopeful Elon and DOGE cut these corrupt SOBs down to 10% of what they are currently. Oh and something else they aren’t talking about is what’s going to happen when the #MakeAmericaHealthyAgain plan goes into effect and they start rendering animal fats for cooking oils instead of seed oils. NCBA’s rehearsed talking point I’ve heard 1000 times during the cocktail hour round table is “We have to have that imported lean to blend with our fat cattle trim”. Well guess what? Imports are up so drastically that fat cattle trim is running in extremely short supply and going to get much shorter when they start rendering it for cooking oils. It looks like we are importing too much lean and it’s got the fat/lean ratio out of whack. But NCBA doesn’t care because they get checkoff dollars not per head but per pound on imported beef. Makes my blood boil to think our checkoff dollars are used to pay for adds telling us how great checkoff money is doing for American cattle producers while they advertise in the NCBA’s propaganda machine known as Drovers magazine along with many other Ag media publications.
It’s costing your farm to table beef sellers around $1100 per head to have their home raised local beef processed. This is ridiculous. Because The big four have a stranglehold on USDA with under the table dirty money nobody can get a small regional plant opened. They have made the state and federal red tape so thick and so deep it takes half a decade to cut through it. So if consumers can’t buy local beef they are stuck with buying at Walmart, Costco and other national chain grocery stores. Good on ranchers for getting more money out of their calves through the 44 farms/Walmart bull scam, but just know you are helping them and they aren’t doing it because they care about you and your families future and for Pete’s sake don’t give the crooked corporations your carbon credits! Do you think this is coincidence or an accident? Hell no it isn’t. Trump needs to get these mom and pop butcher shops some help and some relief from overburdensome USDA immediately after taking office.
I’m optimistic that good things will come from the Trump administration if we can pierce the corporate wall of corruption and get directly to the president. Thats why we fought so hard to get the right cabinet picks. It’s not too late to save the cattle industry in America but we can’t waste time. Mega feedlots, 5000 head per day kill plants, although necessary, are not the complete answer to saving our industry. Local is the answer in my opinion and it scares the corporate world to death to hear that word. They will spend an unlimited amount of money to keep things the way they currently are.
One thing is for sure, cattle numbers will continue to decline over the next few years if something doesn’t happen immediately to reverse the current trend. Slaughter cow prices barely dipped this fall which is unheard of. Look out come spring, cows and bulls are going to get insane high and that will continue to drive down domestic cattle numbers. We have sold 11,000 plus head in December and only 22 heifers I’m aware of went back to be replacement females. This December 20th Feeder Sale saw as many heifers as it did steers telling me ranchers are “selling them while they are high”. Bred cows although higher are not in high demand as you would expect, interest rates being the biggest factor.
Next Feeder Sale is scheduled for January 17th and is sure to be a big one. Several thousand cattle already consigned. We have scheduled another Feeder Sale February 7th to try and spread them out if possible. No cattle will be accepted on Friday January 17th unless prior arrangements have been made. Two Feeder Sales in February, the 7th and the 21st.
Thanks everyone for a great finish to 2024, at Nevada Livestock Marketing we are looking forward to working for you in 25! Hope to see you at a sale soon and please keep some replacement heifers, you will be glad you did! Merry Christmas!! Ya, we get to say that again!
If you have cattle you want to consign please send videos/pictures and information to 661-305-2699. We will get them advertised for you on Facebook.
If you have any questions about vaccines and timing of vaccines, please don’t hesitate to call me.
Thanks to our awesome crew, sellers and buyers! Hope to see you in Fallon soon!!
Our sales can be seen live at www.DVauction.com
Jack Payne, Owner and Operator of Nevada Livestock Marketing, LLC in Fallon, NV also serves as the Regional Director for California and Nevada at the U.S. Cattlemen’s Association. |